Thread: Tick boxes
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Old April 24th, 2008, 05:32 AM posted to microsoft.public.access.forms
Al Campagna[_2_]
external usenet poster
Posts: 1,462
Default Tick boxes

That's because the checkbox control is not "bound" to any table field,
so it's value will be reflected in all your continuous form records
If necessary, add a field to your form's underlying table, (ex.
FillInName), add that field to the query behind the form, and set the
ControlSource of your checkbox to FillInName.
Al Campagna
Microsoft Access MVP

"Find a job that you love... and you'll never work a day in your life."

wrote in message
I have a form which includes a column where the user selects a tick
box and this automatically fills in there name and date on another
part of the form. The problem is if I tick say row 1 the name and date
appears as it should in row one but also ticks appear in the tick box
column for various other (random i think ) rows although the name and
date information does not, can anyone explain why when i tick one box
others in the column fill themselves in.
Being self taught my knowledge is limited

Thanks in advance