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Old June 2nd, 2010, 03:14 PM posted to microsoft.public.word.docmanagement
external usenet poster
Posts: 76
Default Address of hyperlink with drive-letter

I have made a listing of all documents on a certain project. Each document is
identified through a hyperlink.

The address is referring to the actual server name - and not the
drive-letter associated to the server. This is a problem because I had hopet
to be able to copy my file structure to my C-drive and then just map the
c-drive to the same letter as used for the server when online. That way I
could easily find my documents through this listing with hyperlinks.

I cant even edit the address manually as the full path does not show in the
Address line of the "Edit Hyperlink" window as the path is too long and only
"..\" is listed at the beginning.

How do I make hyperlinks using the drive-letter in the address? (e.g.
